Little School Museum
The Little School Museum in the Town of Lockeport came into being as the Centennial Project of the Lockeport Garden Club. The Club saw an opportunity to make the former school an historic site so that the children of the area might learn more of their past. Through donations from former Lockeport students, the school was purchased by the Garden Club in 1967. Club members undertook to care for the gardens, the Town agreed to mow the lawns and the Ragged Island IODE donated a Nova Scotian flag to be flown during open hours. The Nova Scotia Museum helps with the cost of operation.
The museum is open during the summer months with special visits arranged in the Fall for children from the Elementary School. The building was used as a school from 1845 to about 1880 when it was succeeded by another elementary school structure. The little school then became a dwelling and a front porch and back room were added.
A new building, the marine annex, was added in the mid 1980's to house the Visitor Information Centre. When the Crescent Beach Centre was built, the VIC was relocated to that building. The marine annex building was built with the same architecture as the old school house.